Ammar Das
I spent my twenty minutes to read this article written by Dr. Yoginder Sikand. Tragically, the same part was missing in the article. So my comments here are for three main groups. According to Indian constitution, each citizen has political freedom. A group of people has a genuine right to form any political organization seeking people’s mandate through the constitutionally legitimate ways. Denying this right is a crime and those who allegedly oppose the formation on this ground are anti freedom and anti constitution. One point I would like to share with the respected scholar Yoginder Sikand, there is an extreme need to understand International Islamism and their distinctive features. While noticing the regional character of Islamism, it is quite dishonesty to implicate the features of other countries’ Islamism on the Indian Islamism. We should legislate decision on the basis of its performance in India, not in OTHER PLACE OF THE WORLD.
On the basis of last 50 years’s narratives, I find do difference among Congress, BJP, RSS, Sewa Dal, Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parisad, Communist Party of India (CPM). The transition of the Babri Masjid into Ram Lala Temple, One long month State-Performance of Gujrat Genocide and the responses of these party led-governments on the issues of discrimination and genocides of Muslims. I also find no problem talking with RSS (The original representatives of these parties) and negotiating Muslims interests.
Welfare Party is not found to establish Islam or Islamic state. It is to reform the brutally corrupt and unjust Indian Politics and try to realize a welfare state based on moral values and governed by the principles of Justice, Freedom, Equality and Fraternity. It is committed to the criminalization of Politics, communalization of Politics, the commercialization of Politics and the sectarianisation of politics. Leading the politics of Muslims is not communalism. Communalism means antagonization of Muslims politics with Hindu politics. Welfare Party will fight against fake encounters, misuse of state machinery against any community. It will invite all religious and secular elements who are clean in character and have a vision to make India a true democratic, secular and welfare state. If Anna Hazare can lead this movement why not Welfare Party. I request all critics to abuse Welfare Party in the premise of commitments and words said by it.
Adding your personal masala and making furious abuses make little sense to the arguments. Many more points after reader response.